Alma Car Hire

Alma Car Rental

Alma is a family run business and has been operational in Greece, Malta, Romania and Albania for over 35 years. Today Alma operates a fleet of 4000 and can be found at the major airports, cities and tourist destinations; we have a three-year strategy to move into additional countries and cities in the coming months and years.

The intrinsic nature or indispensable quality of something, relating to the most important characteristics OR idea, our customer are the most important thing to us it’s a time of Alma


Bridging the Gap

Consumers expect more from Car Rental companies than ever before. Simple, effective transactions, A Steller user experience. The utmost data privacy. Hyper–personalised products tailored for different distributions channels. But Alma believes that the best solutions are developed with our customer's and our travel and business partners, as we use technology to drive perfection and the ultimate customer journey. The drive to be the best never stops as we continue to question our ability to be the best.


Turbocharging Transformation

It takes a world of talent to create real change in an industry that hires cars. That is why we have modernised our Car Rental. We have reached out to the best for innovation, packaged it and delivered it to our customers. We understand the supply and demand; today, we focus on hyper-personations, customer excellence, whilst Alma is a family business, we have developed real-world solutions that our customers and our industry partners are crying out for Alma Car Rental has the vision and has the know-how to accelerate the solutions for the benefit of our valid customer.

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